Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1, 2011 :: More from our neck of the woods...

Well, if you have heard about the missing Missouri State Trooper, that is unfolding just about in our back yard. Ok, so not in our back yard, but very very close to us.
Click here to watch the newscast about it.

This newscast was recorded 1/4 mile to the east of our house. In fact, my brother emailed me tonight and said, "We're watching the news and the news guy is right by your house."  Yep, that's true.

The truck and boat was found 2 miles on the other side (west) of our house, down at what we call Newburg's corner. Remember this photo?
That's where the trooper disappeared from.

And although I've checked twice to make sure all of our doors are locked tonight, we're probably the safest we've ever been with 30 State Troopers driving back and forth.

I hope the guy is fine. Even if he just fell in the water, the current down at that corner is massive. Seriously, please join me in praying for him.

It's now midnight and the patrol cars are still driving by like crazy.

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