Friday, August 5, 2011

August 5, 2011 :: Quick Update and a Funny Story

It is raining a little here today. Search efforts for Trooper Fred Guthrie are still ongoing--I can hear an air-boat when I go outside.

I posted this on facebook, but thought I'd re-post here--the video below was taken in June, but this is the area they believe Fred disappeared from and are searching in. Most people cannot imagine how much water there is, so hopefully this will help you all understand. The water also extends for miles in every direction of where the video was taken. This is a 360 degree view, and about half-way thru, you can see the current rolling over the highway.

I've also read people are tying blue ribbons around their trees to show support for Trooper Guthrie and the search efforts for him. Of course I didn't have any wide blue ribbon, but I did have wide blue strapping, so I tied that around our tree. From a distance, you can't tell it isn't ribbon...don't tell!

The water situation remains the same, although some of the very last areas to flood are draining away a little. I imagine that is due to the lack of rain and the slightly lower release level from Gavin's Point.

Our indoor water situation remains the same. We can go a little over a week on one tank, and then it has to be hauled into town, refilled, hauled back out here, and re-hooked up. Makes a person thankful for the times you just throw on your water, and out it comes.

Having realized very recently that we can now put my 4-year-old's hair in a pony tail, it reminded me of a funny story. I always love a funny story, and since there seems to be a lack of funny things going on around here right now, I decided to point you all over to my personal blog (where I use code names for my children...yeah, probably should have on this blog, too...), to a "situation" that occurred about a year and a half ago. It is the most non-life-threatening-yet-ultra-dramatic....maybe ultra-traumatic....thing that's ever happened to me. Some of you read this post way-back-when, but for those who haven't, or those who just want to laugh until they cry again, here you go:

Why Moms Get Gray Hair

Enjoy! And have a great weekend!

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