No, I'm just kidding. :) But I had ya there for a minute, didn't I!?!
Unfortunately, I'm not kidding about the 4 inch rain. We did not--need--that. The Little Tarkio is up, although not critical, but we just don't like to see it up at this point. In other low areas around us, water is filling in quickly. We now officially only have one way to leave our house--east. The ocean is to the west of us (Big Lake), and now Hwy P is covered with water south of us (towards Fortescue.) (And going north doesn't get you anywhere at all, other than lost in the country.) So, east it is. The highway going east of us to Mound City is built up high, in fact, it is the highest part between us and Mound City, so we would be able to get in and out of here even if the waters rise significantly. Just pray for NO MORE RAIN north of us.
Isn't it funny, though, that we get a big rain the day that we move all of our stuff out of the trailer. Most of it is still in boxes, so it could be loaded back up, but at this point (after moving it TWICE) we'd probably rather cut off an arm or leg with a butter knife than move it one more time. But, we just won't have to, right???
How many more weeks of this??? (Answer: at least 8, probably more.) <sigh>
Weird thing tonight--we were all driving towards Fortescue to check water levels and saw like smoke about 20-30 feet above the in a line just above the highway. I thought that was weird, and wondered if a truck had been down the road right before us. When that "smoke" was still there when we drove back, we got to investigating and think that "line of smoke" was actually a line of MOSQUITOES. We can't be for sure, but we're 95% sure it was a line of some kind of insect, and the mosquito seems to be the insect of choice around here. Weird.
Finally, a couple of photos...I think "before" and "after" photos are very valuable when trying to tell a story. Below are 2 photos from Big Lake--and just look how amazing the difference is!
After...well, actually During:
(Thanks, Christi Whalen and Ryonee Curtis and/or Juli Crenshaw, for the photos.) This house looks A-OK so far...well, if A-OK means no water in the upper level. Let's just hope it STAYS that way.
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