Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011 :: An Organized Pantry

Well, I had really intended to get some pictures today since some of you were disappointed I haven't posted any in the last few days. But that didn't happen. I DID, however, get my pantry put back together, which makes me so happy.  You try living with your pantry in rubbermaid tubs packed away in your daughter's bedroom for a month and you'll probably come to the same conclusion I have....let the flood have it, but one way or another, I'm putting it all back.   Trust me on this one.

One good thing is that my pantry NOW has NO food that is expired (did you know Jello actually expires??) and it is super tidy, clean, and organized. In fact, I'm so happy about my pantry, I'll share a picture with you...  Ok, ok, this is NOT MY PANTRY. But I do think this pantry is pretty cool. 

And my pantry is pretty organized at the moment. Complete with shelf labels...on clothespins so I can move them as the contents of my pantry changes. I've become a big fan of labeling things over the years. I'm so "global" that I can create a beautifully organized system, walk away from it for a day or two, and when I come back, I don't remember a lick of the system. So although I'm global, I can still read. Hence, the labels, and we're all happy.

We also finished moving everything from the garage back into the house. So although my garage and pantry look fabulous, my school/play room is a complete and total disaster. I should take a picture of THAT for you all. We didn't put anything into place because I'm trying to rearrange and I haven't decided on a configuration yet, so everything just got dumped. This is what I will be tackling this week. Along with about 150 boxes....

And the water? It's the same. Along with the smell. And the animals...although I do think we have one more skunk in the crawl space.... And since things aren't changing much in that department, I'm going to just start updating this blog whenever I have news...or a funny story, because you know how I love a funny story! But I WILL try to get some photos tomorrow and post tomorrow night. And if all else fails, I'll take some picture of MY pantry so we can all enjoy my clean, tidy, organized pantry together.

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