In other wildlife news, we have these big weird green beetles flying around in the front yard. Like these (the green ones on the left--I did not take this picture):
They fly really close to the ground and their size and sound is very reminiscent of a bumble bee. Apparently they are Green June Bugs, and in the picture above, it is shown next to a normal June Bug. Yeah, I told you they were big. Yick.
I think maybe they are hatching out of the grass...which would make the skunks digging up every inch of the front yard make more sense. Has anyone else seen these?? I'm not sure if they arrived because of the flood or just because they thought we needed some new pets.
A new indoor wildlife addition around here is ANTS. And guess where my ant poison is at? Yep, in some box somewhere. I remember having an issue with ants during the '93 flood, too. And although they're not as bad as most of the other things we've encountered, still. I have ANTS IN MY HOUSE.
I'm afraid to even wonder what might be next.

I guess just one other wildlife tidbit--the other day (when we still had a dead skunk in the yard) there was a turkey buzzard that landed up on the top of our chimney. Those things are HUGE. (And ugly, I might add.) I ran in the house the get the camera, but it was gone when I returned. So you'll just have to settle for this picture I swiped off of the internet. How would you like one of those sitting in top of YOUR chimney, looking for it's next meal....
And last but not least, I was on someone else's blog today and saw this image, which I just loved:
And how true it is. Sometimes, being able to cope with life is all a matter of having a right perspective. When our perspective gets "off", that's when we get ourselves into real trouble.
More on that tomorrow!
Oh my Jenny.... any kind of "crunch beetle/bug" freaks me out, but these are over the top!!! I have the heebee jeebee's just thinking about them. Too bad they didn't drown in the flood with their eggs. gag.