Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday, July 13, 2011 :: Normalcy

Not only do I not have any new photos for you, but I really have no new news for you. I guess that is good!

We did deliver some T-shirts today. Looks like we may be making another order soon, so if you're interested... Was nice to chat with some people about the frustrations of the flood. Also made me thankful we are still living in our house...such as it is.

I think we're going to start unpacking a few more boxes. But today we had normal life to attend to--you know, things like cooking, cleaning, laundry, changing diapers, etc., so the boxes got left. I also spent several hours detailing the Suburban--yikes!! I'm tempted to say there will be NO MORE FOOD in there, but I know how long that will last.

So we're just hanging out here, with nothing new to report. Thanks for checking on us and for praying for us. Now I'm going TO BED!! (Right after I post this photo of my purple cone flowers...the ones I thought for sure were going to drown!! So thankful I was wrong! And I guess this means I DID have a new photo for you, just not one that is 75% water.)

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