Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 3, 2011

Today everything looks normal. You'd never know there is a flood coming, at least here at our house. My MIL said it is getting very wet near the River. The Little Tark is pretty full at Fortescue. But here at our house, normal. I even sprayed the green beans with Sevin today, because, well, you never know.

In other news, we purchased flood insurance for our home today so if we can keep the water out of the house for 30 days, then we'll be covered just in case. We're going to do everything in our power to keep it out forever, because, let's face it, flooding is a mess no one want to clean up.  Also, we have confirmed local short-term and long-term housing if we eventually need it. That is a real blessing. We have completely amazing friends and an awesome God who took care of all of the details.

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