Monday, June 27, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011 :: The Good, The Bad, and The Smelly (AND preview our new T-shirts!!)

The Bad...
Last night, it rained ALL--NIGHT--LONG. No, let me rephrase that, it POURED, ALL--NIGHT--LONG. Well, it went through spurts, let's put it that way. It would blow and POUR and lightning and thunder for what seemed like an eternity, then it would settle down to a gentle shower, and just when I was drifting off to sleep, it would start up again. I do know it POURED at least 3 different times. I was right, it was NOT a very restful night.

The rain amounted to about 3 inches. Our nice dry ditch was full this morning, which was not a good sight to see, but had drained away by evening. We also got some massive amounts of wind, which Dustin thinks may have blown over or snapped some of the corn we have  had left. We also got some hail last night, so I'm sure that didn't help the few fields of corn we have left either.

This 3 inches will increase the water in the Little Tarkio Creek which will raise the threat of breaking there. It will also fill in low areas, along with the backing-up river water. We'll be keeping a close eye on things and PRAY FOR NO MORE RAIN for a while.

Also in bad news, the river reached a new record today, 27.26 feet.

The Good...
I've lost 4 pounds in the last week, despite eating close to nothing but JUNK. We also had an enjoyable time yesterday at our church for the kick-off to our Sports Crusader's Basketball Camp. And I'm starting to get a feel for how simplistic our lives can really be. The book I was reading before all of this started is called Organized Simplicity, and I feel like our lives right now could be summed up as DISorganized simplicity. We are definitely living a simple life, it's just when you're looking for something, it's UTTER CHAOS. I can't even begin to tell you. One other GOOD is that we know that God is in control. And that's a good thing, because it's for sure the Corps of Engineers is NOT in control. (As much as they'd like to claim and think that they are...)

The Smelly...
#1) Today I went a mile or two west, over the Little Tarkio Creek levee, and the water has been there long enough that all of the dead corn and plants are starting to s-m-e-l-l. Just imagine the worst port-a-potty you've ever been in, and yeah, that's pretty much how it smells. And yes, it's that strong, too.  
#2) Last night when it started to hail, Dustin and I ran outside to get his pickup put into the garage. We knew the ramp to the semi was in the way, so we started (in the rain, wind, and hail...and in our pajamas...) to throw boards from the ramp off to the side. I got to the last board, started to move it, and saw LITTLE CRITTER LEGS under it. I thought maybe it was a rat (not that we have rats around here very often, but we are on a farm) but Dustin glanced and yelled, "It's a SKUNK!!!!!"  We ran into the garage and thankfully it did not spray us. By that time, the hail was pretty much over, so Dustin decided no pickup in the world was worth getting sprayed by a skunk for, and we went back to bed.

When I told my sister this story today, she said, "Your life is like a movie!"  Well, ya know, we do what we can to provide entertainment for y'all!

We have exciting news--soon we'll be taking orders for un-official 2011 flood T-shirts! My brother, on a whim, designed a T-shirt for us, and we will actually be taking orders as soon as I get a definite price and color options. But, for now, here's a preview, and if you want one, check back tomorrow for more information!

And of course I got some photos today, so here you go:
This is about 2 miles west of us--it is the irrigation pivot next to the Johansen driveway, for those of you who know what I'm talking about.

See all of the corn stalks along the water's edge--that's part of the reason is STINKS so bad over there.

Inspired by others around us, we "decorated" the ONLY yard ornament we have. He has never had a name, so I think we'll name him Titanic. He sits outside out back door, ready to greet you!

The Sportsman's Lodge is a hunting "lodge", restaurant, and bar in the town of Bigelow about a mile east of us.

Yeah. Well...that's just enough said. I Photoshop'ed the names out for their protection. :) It is safe to say people around here aren't really happy with two entities...the BNSF Railroad, and the Army Corps of Engineers. I'm not even going to start about the Army Corps of Engineers, because whether they're to blame or not, it doesn't change the fact that A LOT of our crops are drowning (and dying...we don't raise rice), and water is 1/2 mile south of my house, and getting deeper all the time.

And with the river topping today at 27.26 feet, we should know pretty soon what the water is going to do, where it is going to go, and how deep.

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