Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, the good news is the secondary levee is still holding, and the guys are done reinforcing it in the area where the Corps levee broke. Dustin is really happy to be done (at the moment) running the bulldozer some 13 hours a day for the last 3 days. He actually just returned from driving the span of it to check on it, and being the wonderful husband that he is, he brought me some pictures, my favorite thing!
And I just thought this was pretty impressive. Especially when you think the Missouri River would be flowing through Big Lake and filling up thousands of acres of farm ground if it weren't for this levee. Of course the whole thing doesn't look this beefy, but wow is this part impressive!

The river is on its way back up (currently at 23.98 feet), so once it reaches higher levels again, we'll see if there are any other breaks in the Corps levee or a need to reinforce the secondary levee. If so, then back to the bulldozer he goes.

Other good news....we have internet of sorts, but hey, at this point I'll take anything. I got hooked up with Virgin Mobile and now have slow and unreliable wonderful internet service that works thru cell towers. Don't ask me to explain it, all I know is I'm not disconnected completely from the world wide web at the moment...and as long as that little router receiver thing sits in just the right place on my window seat...I know, beggars can't be choosers.

On the bad news front, the BNSF Railroad is messing with the railroad again....more on that later. For now, we have a T-ball game to get to, so I'm going to run. Thanks again for praying, everyone, that levee is holding...hopefully it will hold clear to September!!

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