Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 :: Common sense?

Conditions around here...

  • River, for some reason, has been going down a little bit today, down to 26.16 right now. It's really laughable that that sounds like good news. The river is still nearly 10 FEET ABOVE flood stage.
  • Looks like we may see some isolated thunderstorms in the next 5 days. When we went thru the flood in 1993, we found that when the temperature gets hot, the area water (lots of it) evaporates quickly and seems to cause pop-up thunderstorms. It's a vicious cycle.
  • The water has invaded the field just on the other side of the highway from our place. It is hard to see because the corn is over head-high, but Dustin thought the water was, on average, 6 inches to a foot deep. Enough to kill it, that's for sure. Guess what we have to look forward to? The smell of wet, soggy, dying, rotten corn plants. Oh, and yes, we own this field, too.
  • The water is in our yard in the very very lowest parts, no more than 6 inches deep on average. No real water pressure on the outside of the dike, although there are some pockets of water in the low spots where Dustin pushed up dirt for the dike. The kids are trying to figure out how to get a kayak out there...which would mean we need to actually own or borrow a kayak. So if any of you have one you'd like to loan to some bored river rats, for testing in about 8 inches of water, let me know.
  • Is the water still coming in? Yes, but it does seem to be slowing down. Either that or we're hoping it is slowing down.
A few funnies...
I was at Walmart yesterday, and Brooklyn wanted to look at the fish. While there discussing which fish we liked the best and why, a Walmart employee asked me if we needed any fish. This tickled my funny bone so much, I about couldn't start laughing. All I could think was, "No, I might have all the fish I'd ever want before long anyway!"

I also sometimes worry about people's common sense now-a-days. I really don't think there's much of that left. And I understand people have to be covered for liability issues, but seriously, when we have to post a sign like this in an area like this...
...well, what does that say about common sense? It's not even like there are barricades to stop someone from inadvertently heading down that road. <sigh> THIS situation should be a no-brainer.

This road is actually east of us about a mile, so we now have water in 3 directions. Thankfully the highways were built up, so there has not been any issue getting in and out. 

Here's another photo from 3 miles to the west of us, shot south down the highway towards Big Lake.

With water this deep and a fairly strong current, one wonders what will be left by the time this is over.

Tomorrow is Clayton's 7th Birthday. I actually managed to decorate a basketball cake for him (thanks Danielle for baking the cake!!) I feel bad that he should only have to think tomorrow about enjoying and celebrating his birthday. But at this point I do think I feel worse about it than he does.

And as for my new favorite song for the day, click here to hear it online...I'm not so thrilled about the actual video, but at least you can listen to the song. It is very appropriate for us, right now.

We WILL Praise God in this "storm" and know that He will lead us, teach us, comfort us, and grow us through this process. Easier said than done, let me assure you. 


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